Labels:crt screen | dialog box | monitor | sky | web site | window OCR: Drag And Yiew DYHANUAL .DOC View Options oom Filelist Help Drag And View program that leta you view of file or files wi ithout having to run the crea ed them Drag And Vi ew can view the popu ar word processors databases spreadshee bi tmapped or vector graphic progr am= thei format You can view any file alr hexadec ma format Drag And V - allows you mu tiple windows 30 you can eas compare search for text in any : or hexadec: imal vi .ewer You can 00 go any celi ir spre record da tabase and any address the he vi ew of Drag And view allows no to any part .ewed 1e and copy the cli pboard pr int Printing ot tex def fault font of the printer and will not neces Zoom MopuM Helr lets without popular eadshee vect progi rams plain lowa copv default